All of the successful musicians
I have met over the past 25 years have also been good sight-readers.
This book is a good companion for everyone who seriously wants to improve their skills and who have so far found a lot of didactics but little reading material in textbooks.
500 patterns, inspired by Northern Soul, Motown, Gospel and Rhythm 'n' Blues.
- Learn and improve sight reading
- Examples in all keys
- Chord Symbols
- 140 Video-/Audiotracks
- TAB QR-Code
- For teaching and/or self-study
- Patterns from beginner to pro
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"To play a bass line that makes everything sound wonderful and at the same time to know exactly what you are doing is one of the best things you can do for me. The only way to get there is practice and good preparation. "

Which bass textbook is the best for me?
Certainly the one you work through.
I talked a lot about the topic with colleagues and students, between doors in the music school, at the beer garden table and on the tour bus. I almost always got the same feedback:
We have more or less many bass guitar books. Bought them, read some of it, played the patterns, placed them with the other bass books and then moved them into the new apartment because somehow we don't want to give them away.
Well, okay, one double bass colleague collected schools and etude collections and worked everyone of them through completely until he had black marks from the imprint of the strings on his left hand.
For all other bassist natures, however, it obviously applies that the strictly didactic structure simply doesn't really correspond to our intuitive and creative nature.
For which level is “Soul Essentials” suitable?
The structure of "Soul Essentials" differs from most bass books because of its intuitive approach.
No breakdown by difficulty, no explanation, but a large number of patterns in all keys. Just open it and see which patterns seem feasible today. Therefore my bass book is suitable for beginners as well as for professionals who want to train their sight reading. For those who are at the very beginning and may still need explanations about the notation, I recommend the booklet as accompanying material for professionally good bass lessons.
I myself work with “Soul Essentials” in class and the response has been remarkably positive.
As a former student commented: "It's like sushi, one bite at a time and you won't get full!"
Are TABs included?
Even after 20 years of teaching, I am always looking forward to the aha moment when I play a pattern according to notes with a student who has previously only practiced with tablature and backing track and suddenly it sounds really good "in time".
The pure play according to TABs with playalongs gives the impression of making rapid progress, but the fundamentals are left behind and at some point you won't get any further from there.
TABs are a useful addition where you need to understand a fingering. But for the publisher, long texts, images and TABs also offer
a secret advantage: the book is suddenly twice as thick, i.e. twice as expensive.
“Soul Essentials” offers a QR code with TABs in the booklet, which I have adapted to optimal fingerings, and which can be called up online if required. Only where I think it really makes sense do I integrate the tablature into the music text.
Easy to order and fast shipping here in the shop
I made a conscious decision to use a distribution channel without an external publisher. So I can completely design my teaching material from the idea to shipping, including high-quality printing and the best paper quality. Simply because I don't like playing from badly copied pdf myself. Nevertheless, in this way I can offer my schools at a fair price without the feeling of giving away my knowledge.
I think what's good for fair trade coffee can't be completely wrong for bass schools.
"Any criticism..? Not much; not much at all. (...) I have no hesitation in awarding five stars."
"A great book ... a completely different concept, absolutely refreshingly different!"
Lars Lehmann
Also read what Germany's biggest music blog writes about it:

"Buch bestellt, aufgeschlagen und losgespielt ... und nicht mehr aufgehört für Stunden bis der Kopf rauchte ... das Buch ist geil! Voller guter Ideen, toll gesetzt, es bringt eine Menge Freude ins Spiel und wie auch immer Alfred Kallfass das hinbekommen hat, es groovt! Habe mir gleich einen Leuchtmarker und Bleistift dazugelegt - old school eben durch und durch.
Danke für dieses Buch!"

"Mit Soul Essentials habe ich meine Noten Phobie überwunden! Lange habe ich das Notenlesen vor mir hergeschoben - und jetzt macht es mir sogar Spass. Die Patterns grooven und machen Lust auf mehr, Danke!"

"Soul Essentials füllt eine Lücke in der E-Bass Literatur.
Selten findet man eine so große Sammlung an anwendbaren Lines und Patterns, die allen Fähigkeiten gerecht wird. Ich unterrichte mit dem Buch und übe selbst damit. Was will man mehr?"